Monday, May 6, 2024

Marker Painting

  Marker Painting

  • Properties of Water-Soluble vs Permanent markers. How can both types of markers be used to an artist's advantage in the same artwork?

  • Creating a value scale with marker painting

  • Review Color Mixing

  • Work on one section at a time-if you don't want colors to mix, work on opposite sides of art so it can dry before painting adjacent areas.

    • Draw in pencil
    • Trace in marker
    • Paint your shapes dragging the outline color in to fill up the shapes

Animal Habitats


The Bull by Franz Marc

The Monarch Of The Glen (1851) By Sir Edwin Landseer

Morning In A Pine Forest (1889) By Ivan Shishkin And Konstantin Savitsky

Peacock, Hen, And Male Pheasant In A Landscape (C. 1750s) By Tobias Stranover

"Ducks" (c. 1880-1904) is a painting by Dutch artist Willem Maris.

Fox Hunt (1893) is a painting by American artist Winslow Homer.

Monkey Frieze by Franz Marc

Henri Rousseau's Animal Paintings

Mandrill in the Jungle

Tiger Peeking Out From Grass

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Artist Statement


Sentence Starters

  • My artwork is about…

  • I expressed my feelings by…

  • One thing that is unique about my work is…

  • I tried something new when I…

  • Something surprising that happened was…

  • I imagined my idea by…

  • My idea changed when…

  • The hardest part was…

  • I solved a problem by…

  • I observed…

  • I was inspired by…

  • One thing I want you to notice is…

  • I practiced new art skills when I…

  • I collaborated when I…

  • One thing I think I did great at is…

  • One reason this is a strong piece of work is…

  • Next time I could challenge myself to…

Mini Sketchbook