Monday, September 25, 2023

Nature's Beauty: Observing Nature Up Close


Nature's Beauty: Observing Nature Up Close


1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

B. Investigation

Use observation and investigation in preparation for making a work of art.

Today we will learn to look carefully at flowers and leaves to discover the beautiful details in the natural world.

During this week, you can look for other natural objects that you might like to observe closely and draw.

Have you ever looked at a flower up close?

What did you notice that you didn't see from far away?

Here is a painting from far away of a field of poppies

Here is a painting close up of a single poppy

Do you think this artist could paint this flower from memory? 
Or would the artist need to see the flower in real life?

This artist, Georgia O'Keefe would study flowers in real life so she could notice all the lines, shapes and colors.

Some artists like to observe nature from a distance, far away

Some artists like to observe nature up close

Which way do you like to observe nature?

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