Friday, September 29, 2023

Portrait Collage

 We Belong Together


2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

A. Skill Acquisition

Explore uses of materials and tools to create works of art or design.

Last week we started exploring how artists get ideas. 

We spent some time looking at flowers, leaves and birds, because artists look more closely at things than most people do.

Another way artists get ideas are finding beauty in everyday things and situations. Like the people who are important to them.

All people have other people they are close to and care about.

We share our lives with them in different ways.
Important moments like the birth of a new baby.

When we spend time together, like at school.

We create memories together, what is happening in this picture?

As artists we share our lives with others.

Our memories?

Me and My PaPa Snuggling

Who we are and what makes us special?

Our family and friends?

Me with my cousins at the waterpark

Who do you feel close to?


Big Ideas

1. All people have others they are close too and care about.

2. As artists we can share ourselves and our feelings for others.

Art Class | Smithsonian American Art Museum

William Johnson.   Art Class

People enjoy spending time with their friends.

Today you might choose to make artwork about one of your friends. 

What do you like to do with your friend?

What do you know about your friend?

Can you make a portrait of your friend by remembering what they look like?

Remember a portrait is a picture of a person.

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